Спереводом juliet: i do hope, mum, we're not late. it's already two-thirty. mrs. oldridge: what time exactly does the curtain go up? j.: at rwo-thirty exactly, according to the newspaper, but of course, they seldom start on time. mrs. o: fortunately there isn't a long line at the box-office. you’d better get the tickets since the reservation is in your name. j.: (speaking to the box-office attendant) i have tickets reserved for today's matinee. attendant: your name, please? j.: juliet bradley. they are two balcony seats. how much are they, please? attendant: one dollar sixty-five cents each. j.: i understand that the seats are in the next to the last row. i dont suppose you have anything better now. have there been any last minute cancellations? attendant: we have nothing at all left for today's matinee. we have been sold out for several weeks in advance. j.: that's what they told me when i made reservations. i suppose i was lucky to get these.. you know, mum, i'm not particularly fond of light comedy. i prefer drama, opera and classical tragedy. mrs. o.: what about samuel? is he fond of arts? j.: i don’t think so, mum. all these years i was doing my best to surround him with the best of modern arts. but every time i was planning to go to the theater, movies, concert or museum, he appeared to be busy. he cannot go to the matinee, as he is busy on weekdays. you see, he always finds appropriate excuses. mrs. o.: well, you might take him to the evening j.: oh, yes, sure. i tried, mum. it was a very interesting concert of a famous and very promising young composer of serious music. i made a reservation for friday evening. mrs. o.: did he like the music? j: you ask me first if he heard it, mum. he fell asleep the very moment the concert started. i pushed him, and pinched him, and kicked him, but nothing helped. then he began to snore. can you imagine it, mum? what a shame! only the trumpets and drums in the last, emotional part of the symphony woke him up. mrs. o.: maybe he prefers movie or painting? j.: hardly. he says he doesn't care about movies and film stars, and he doesn't understand painting and sculpture. i gave up all the efforts mum, as soon as i understood that he was completely by the way, have you heard anything about the today's performance? i hope we won't be disappointed. mrs. o.: they say it isn't too good. it's just the fact that a hollywood movie star has the principal role that has made it so popular. hurry! the curtain is just going up. in some theatres they won't show you to your seats if you arrive after the curtain goes up. j.: our seats are in row m, numbers 23 and 24. i think they are near the centre aisle. (usher appears, directs them to their seats) (later, after the first scene) mrs. o.: well, dear, how do you like it? j.: so far it's not bad. the leading lady seems a little stiff. i don't know whether she doesn't know how to act or whether, just because she's a movie star, she feels that she doesn't have to extend herself. mrs. o.: what do you think of the love scene between her and the leadingman? j.: they both acted as if they were bored to death with each other. probably that's because they are married in real life. mrs. 0.: are they? i didn't know that. j.: it's been in all the newspaper gossip columns and high life chronicles. mrs. o.: anyway, they are much better in the movie than here, aren’t they? j.: yes, they are. i definitely don't like musical comedies, mum, no natter who stars in them. i don't see why it generated such public excitement. mrs. o.: say, these seats are certainly terrible, julie. we're so far away from the stage that the actors look almost like dwarfs. i can catch only about half of what they say. j.: you know what they say about shakespeare's romeo and juliet in their famous balcony scene? mrs. o.: no, what? j.: "you should have got orchestra seats

новичок579   ·   30.09.2019 21:20
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