Найти неправильные и правильные глаголы akiane kramarik is a girl from a small town in idaho whose favourite hobby is painting. akiane is very creative and learned how to use pastels when she^was six. she pays a lot of attention to detail and her paintings are very realistic she finished 40 paintings that sold for as much as $25,000. esteban cortezar is a young man whose love for fashion began when he was a child in colombia. he began designing when he was ten. he used to take old clothes apart and then staple pieces back together again. today esteban is in charge of a growing fashion empire. he recently travelled to new york, where he showed his latest collection during fashion week. esteban is determined to succeed and it looks like he is going the right way about it! chase austin competed in his first race at the age of eight in a go-kart pieced together by his father. the 16-year-old certainly loves speed and already has a career which many people could be jealous of. this young man from kansas is not afraid of hard work and that's why he has won so many awards.

SaulG00dman   ·   29.09.2019 23:50
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