1.choose the proper form, rewrite the sentences and translate them. model: 1. she said that in oxford. a. lived. b. lives. c. will live. she said that they lived in oxford. она сказала, что они живут в оксфорде. 1. she asked him if he often the scientific centre. a. visited b. visits c. will visit 2. our friends asked us what we at the weekend. a. will do b. would do c. does 3. they asked why other civilizations . a. couldn't be found b. can't be found c. can be found 4. we were told that andrew to complete his theses. a. is going b. goes c. was going 5. tom told his friend for a while. a. not to call him up b. not call him up c. doesn't call him up

ALEXDANEVICH   ·   24.09.2019 00:10
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