Напишите все глаголы в пр вр ,там предлоги не выписаны текст только токой. sam and kate were __ the temple. it was dark there. sam lit a fire. beano returned __ the camp and found professor wallace. the professor saw a smoke signal. she ran __ the forest and rescued them __ the old temple. they found some old paintings __ the wall __ the temple. the first one was a picture __ a beautiful girl. the girl in the picture had the orchid __ her hand and she gave it __ the young prince. then they found a picture of a rock. it looked like an eagle. now they are __ the temple and beano is __ sam. but joseph alexander isn't __ them. they are a long way __ their camp now. they are going to find the orchid and they will go __ eagle rock. who will find the orchid?

Sashunya20061   ·   23.09.2019 05:50
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