Текст на морскую тематику, нужна . tidal streams: the tidal streams are regular with a rate 'increasing as the comparatively narrow pass on either side of red islet is approached. the flood tidal stream is the stronger, the ebb tidal stream being deflected towards the southern shore of the estuary by the stream of saguenay river. the flood tidal stream does not extend more than 6 miles off the northern ashore, below the bergeronnes coves, and the closer to that ishore, the stronger is the stream; its rate off pointe-au-bois-vert, where it does not extend far from the shore, is from 1 1/2 to 2 knots, and off the bergeronnes coves from 2 to 3 knots, at springs.

анонимсаша   ·   15.09.2019 16:10
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