Верны ли утверждения в данном тексте по языку? read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not mentioned transport by sea transport by sea is bound to be comparatively slow, but it is also comparatively cheap. a typical ship's speed is about 25 knots (less than 30 miles per hour), so it can take about six days for a cargo ship to cross the atlantic ocean. one of the problems associated with carriage of goods by sea is that the cargoes can only be landed at ports, so trains or lorries may be required as support transport. this adds both to the cost and the time taken. the great advantage of sea transport is that tens or even hundreds of thousands of tones can be carried at one time. bulk oil tankers can deliver three or four hundred thousand tones in a single journey. there are considerable economies if scale in this, for the amount of the fuel required by the vessel and the size of the crew do not increase in proportion to the capacity of the ship. one of the original defects of long sea voyages was that cargoes would be harmed. for example, meat carcasses would deteriorate, especially when the ships had to cross the tropics. modern refrigeration has changed that. it allows meat to arrive at distant ports in prime condition, much to the advantage of farmers in places like the argentine, new zealand and australia. containerization has also helped in that it reduces the damage likely to be caused in the process of loading and discharging. of course, ships of all kinds have to run the gauntlet of storms at sea. many ships still sink with their cargoes every year and insurance against loss is covered by lloyd's of london, the traditional market for marine insurance. as long ago as seventeenth century edward lloyd ran a coffee house near the london docks. it became a popular meeting place for ship's masters and merchants to meet. there they obtained insurance for a trading voyage, for both ships and cargoes. to encourage business lloyd began to provide shipping information from around the world, and this eventually became the famous lloyd's newssheet, giving the whereabouts of virtually all the ships in the world. 1. transport of cargoes by sea is both cheap and prompt 2. one of the problems is that additional means of transport are required 3. the amount of fuel required for the vessel increase in direct proportion to the capacity of the ship. 4. the size of the crew depends on the character of the cargo carried. 5. one of the original defects of long sea voyage is that the cargo may be damaged. 6. meat usually deteriorate when ship has to sail in tropical waters. 7. modern refrigeration has changed the situation with perishable cargoes 8. the process of containerization is very expensive 9. giant oil tankers are very dangerous for marine environment 10. edward lloyd was a docker and lived near by.

madina2421   ·   12.09.2019 18:40
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