Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме past perfect, past indefinite или past continuous. 1 1. she (not, to learn) the material well enough and (to get) a bad mark at the exam. 2. she (to get) a bad mark at the exam because she (not, to learn) the material well enough. 3. i (to know) sam for about two years when he (to get) married. 4. i (already, to know) sam and rachel when they (to get) married. 5. we (to give) the children their presents and they (to open) the parcels at once. 6. we (hardly, to exchange) our new year presents when the first guests. (to arrive). 7. when the first guests (to arrive) we (already, to give) the children their presents and they (to open) the parcels. they (to be) eager to see what (to be) inside. 8. i (to walk) in the park for about an hour the other day. 9. i (to see) a fight when i (to walk) in the park the other day. 10. i (to walk) in the park and (to go) home when i (to see) a fight.

lambert1337   ·   12.09.2019 11:20
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