Тема 2 времена группы continuous 1. раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в present continuous или past continuous. 1. i (to write) english exercise now. 2. i (to write) english exercise at this time yesterday. 3. my friends (not to do) homework now. they (to play) -ball. 4. you (to eat) -cream now? 5. you (to eat) -cream when i rang you up yesterday? 6. what your father (to do) ? 7. what your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday? 8. why she (to cry) ? 9. she (to cry) i saw her yesterday. 2. раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в одном из следующих времен: present continuous, past continuous. 1. look at these children: they (to skate) very well. 2. we (to skate) the whole day last sunday. we (to skate) again next sunday. 3. what you (to do) now? - i (to wash) dishes. 4. what you (to do) three o'clock yesterday? - i (to have) ¬ner. 5. you (to have) now? 6. your grandmother (to sleep) you (to come) yesterday. 7. where kate (to go) you (to meet) her yesterday?

Suchokhevgena   ·   11.09.2019 03:20
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