Измените предложения, поставив глагол в пассивном залоге people advised us not to go out alone. the company employs two hundred people. a loud noise woke us up during the night. somebody locks the park gates at 6.30 p. m. i posted the letter a week ago. somebody has cleaned the room. 12. they have postponed the concert. 13. somebody is using the computer at the moment. 14. i didn’t realise that somebody was recording our conversation. 15. they are building a new ring road round the city. 16. they have built a new hospital near the airport. 17. somebody will clean the windows later. используя пассивный залог, поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам columbus discovered america. who was america discivered by? we keep money in a safe. they speak italian in italy. they took his aunt to hospital. the boys damaged the television. da vinci painted the mona lisa. he invited 30 people to his party. they grow bananas in africa. закончите предложения, используя выражение “…going to…” и один из данных глаголов: eat, give, lie, rain, walk, wash my hair is dirty. i’m going to wash it. i don’t want to go home by bus. i take an umbrella with you. it i’m hungry. i this sandwich. it’s ann’s birthday next week. we her a present. i feel tired. i down for an hour.

ruslanhasanshi   ·   22.05.2019 14:20
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