Нужно ответить на эти вопросы 1.tamerlan was: a) an architect. b) a soldier. c) a builder. 2.bibi-khanym was: a) the oldest wide. b) the vost important wife. c) not beautiful 3.to honour herhusband biby-kganym decided: a)to wear a veil. b) to build a mosgue. c) to go a war 4. bibi-khanym allowed the master builder to kiss her because: a) she loved him. b) the master builder didnt want to finjsh mosgue. b) she wanted to make the master builder happy. по этому тексту almost 7 centuries ago in central asia there lived a great king called tamerlane. he was a very powerful solidier, and he wanted one day to rule agreat empire stretching form the atlantic ocean in the west to the pacific ocean in the east. he made his capital in the oasis city samarkand which he planned to make the most beautiful city on earth. many mosques were built, with blue ceramic tiles outside and gold inside. tamerlane's wife bibi-khanym was the most beautiful and the most important of all his wives. she was deeply in love with him. in order to show her love to tamerlane she decided to build a magnificent to honor him when he was away fighting in a distant war. she found the best architect who designed the most magnificent mosque one could imagine. and then she found the best master-builder who began the work immediately. as the weeks and days passed by the master builder began to fall in love with her.

Meluran   ·   25.08.2019 17:30
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