Decide which of the sentences means the same as the given sentence. 1. i am trying to pull all these papers in this drawer. (a) i am trying to fit these papers to the drawer. (b) i am trying to fit these papers in with the drawer. (c) i am trying to fit these papers by the drawer. (d) i am trying to fit these papers into the drawer. 2. these new orders have nothing to do with us. (a) these new orders do not apply to us. (b) these new orders do not apply for us. (c) these new orders do not apply with us. (d) these new orders do not apply by us. 3. i would like that job. i want to get it. (a) i am going to apply by that job. (b) i am going to apply with that job. (c) i am going to apply for that job. (d) i am going to apply to that job. 4. he was just to see that mountain through the fog. (a) he was able to make off with the mountain’s shape. (b) he was able to make out the mountain’s shape. (c) he was able to make over the mountain’s shape. (d) he was able to make up the mountain’s shape. 5. before he died he decided to leave all his money to a stranger. (a) he made up his money to a stranger. (b) he made out his money to a stranger. (c) he made off with his money to a stranger. (d) he made his money over to a stranger.

1777Maks7771   ·   25.08.2019 08:40
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