Кто что может 1. определите, какой из вариантов языка использует говорящий в каждом предложении, и выберите подходящее слово. we’ve decided to take our vacation in the autumn/fall this year. at my son’s high school the new term/semester starts next week. i never eat biscuits or sweets/candy. put that garbage in the dustbin/trashcan. the trousers look nice with that waistcoat/vest. 2. поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму инфинитива или герундия. he stopped some bilk on his way home. (buy) after their quarrel they stopped (talk) the tv set didn’t work so they tried the aerial. (move) we tried the shelf but it was too high. (reach) finally she managed to stop ) the surgeon tried the patient but that girl lost a lot of blood. (save) children, stop your mother is sleeping. (shout) if you don’t like your room, try some pictures on the wall. (put) before crossing the road i stopped if there were any cars. (check) all the firefighters tried the fire. (extinguish) 3. заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами, поставив их в форму -ing. fly, watch, wear, dance, write, do, lie, play, work, go i don’t enjoy letters. my sister likes hats. i hate the ironing. i prefer the piano in the evening. i didn’t enjoy to the museums when i was a child. she doesn’t like she is afraid of height. i think everybody likes the beach all day. you are so lazy! when will you start at last? he prefers rugby to playing it. i enjoy a waltz.

olgamudryh   ·   24.08.2019 15:20
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