Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box. avalanche, drought, flood, hurricane, landslide, volcano, forest fire, famine, disease 1. have been burning for three weeks in indonesia and have destroyed thousands of hectares of forest. 2. one of the most infectious is ebola, which kills its victims extremely quickly. 3. the harvest in afghanistan has failed for three years because of a terrible which has affected most of the country. 4. bangladesh is regularly hit by caused by heavy rain in the monsoon period. 5. the small island of montserrat in the caribbean was almost destructed by a which erupted a few years ago. 6. three sciers were killed yesterday by an in a swiss mountain resort. 7. a district of the capital of el salvador was destructed by a because of heavy rain and the cutting of trees. 8. the in this part of africa has been caused by drought, harvest failure and the civil war. 9. a hit the coast of florida yesterday and people were evacuated

puffur   ·   23.08.2019 09:30
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