Сделать in summer i went scarborough. when i arrived there it was late dinner i my raincoat and a walk. it was a dull day, the sky was covered clouds, and it was raining a little. the wind was very strong and it was dif ficult to walk, but i wanted some air. while i was walking slow ly the quiet empty street i saw a stranger. he first passed me by, but then he stopped. “is that you, old man? ” he shouted. “it’s nice to see you! i was never so glad to see you my whole life! '’ i turned it was jones. “why, what are you doing here? what’s the matter? ” i said. “and aren’t you cold? ” jones was wearing flannel trousers and a thin shirt. “why don’t your go home? ” “i cannot,” he answered. “i forgot the name the hotel where my wife and i stayed. take m you and give me some thing to eat.” “haven’t you any money? ” i asked. “not a penny. wfegot york, my wife and i about eleven. w? left our things the station and the hotel. i changed my clothes and w ent a walk. the sun was shin ing brightly and there was nothing the weather forecast about rain. but i forgot to take the address.” “can you describe the street or the house? ” “n o,” he said sadly. “wfell. i’m sure that we’ll find out where you live soon enough,” i said. i took him my hotel and gave him some food. wfethen began telephoning all the scarborough. wfedid it so well that next afternoon jones found both his hotel and his wife.”

bondarsvetlana25   ·   22.08.2019 14:50
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