Task 1. fill in the gaps in the text below with the correct word a, b, c or d. people whose parents were very strict often treat their own children the same way. i’m a very hard-working person, partly because i believe that (31) you work hard, you will never succeed in life. my sister is the same. as a result, i never relax during the week and (32) does she. i think we are like this because of our parents, who have big plans for our future and make sure we work hard. they probably think this is the only way to bring (33) children, but perhaps if they were less demanding, we (34) have more time to relax and take things slowly. the situation is made more difficult by our teachers. in my opinion, they always give us too (35) homework, and we just don’t get (36) free time to enjoy ourselves. as a result, the weekends are the only time (37) we can do what we like. then we can watch television, (38) swimming and meet our friends. i think that if i have children when i’m older, i (39) be a more relaxed parent, because i think that children (40) are made to work too hard are often stressed and grow up to be very unhappy. 31. a as b because c unless d if 32. a so b either c also d neither 33. a out b off c up d on 34. a would b will c can d had 35. a much b many c little d few 36. a many b enough c some d a 37. a which b when c where d that 38. a do b go c make d play 39. a would b can c can’t d will 40. a which b what c whose d who ! !

Il123456   ·   22.08.2019 07:20
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