Mccord museum the mccord museum of canadian history owns a collection or ti and documents llustrating the hi d montreal in particular fiom senlement orde amerindamata the twentieth century, the museum was founded by david ross mccord, whose family owned a siteable collection of historical started to travel around country in scarch for objects of value. four decades later, when his private collection contained about 15,000 objects, david rons mecond set out to estahilsh a mational dhe historical to achieve his goal he pens enkino bequeathed his collection to mcgill univenity. two yearn later the muscum opened its doors to the public the museum is hoisedinthe nobbs build a pray lime owns well over a million objects, images and the cgill in 1992 building was cupanded with a south anne, providing additional space for evhibits nda library. manuscript related to canaday history. the muscum continually organizes temporary edhibitions permanent eshibitions. these include a clone look tbe heritage of first pooples. the cxhibition'wcuring our ldentity shows the importance ofclothing in the ldentity orthe first nat fascinating insight in the culture of these societies. another interesting exhibition oplores the history of montreal from an early settlement of native people to a oosmopolitan city with a subway and in its recent history, the displays also provide background photo historic objects and on the people who put their stamp on montreal andeiveus an insight in the cultural and social aspects ofthis rich and comple city in stairwell you ean teten bam llalda, indigenous people ofthe pacific northwest перевод на

Margosha100000000000   ·   21.08.2019 09:00
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