Choosing a career as not always easy and requires some serious thinking. the final decision should be yours although there are some factors which can influence it. you can be encouraged or discouraged by your parents ,teachers or friends. the situation in the society may also have a certain influence on your choice. there are some important questions that you need to ask yourself if you don't want to make a mistake. the first is "what am i good at? ".this is not an easy question to answer at the age of 15 or 16 when you don't have enough experience. a good starting point is looking at what others do and getting a clear idea if it suits you. then, naturally? you have to ask yourself "what do i want from my career? " if you do well in maths and sciences, it may be worth thinking about engineering, air trafic control, industrial laboratory work or something in computing. if you are good at good at arts , think os jobs in graphic or industrial design, publishing, advertising or video. and if you like learning and using languages, you might consider being a tlanslator, though it is always better to combine languages with marketing, business or some other profession. перевидите текст! !

M89226691130   ·   21.05.2019 12:30
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