1.выбери правильную форму глагола. brenda is from england. she ( live / lives) with her family. brenda (go/goes) to school five days a week. she (have / has no classes on saturday and sunday. the girl ( like / likes) sport. she and her friend often (play/plays) volleyball. in the evening they (go/goes) to the swimming bath where they (swim/swims). they all (love/loves) swimming a lot. 2.выберите правильную форму местоимения. 1) john takes (his/him) dog out in the morning. 2) john and sally like (they/their) house in green street. 3) i can see the barkers: ( they/ their) are in ( them/their) garden. 4) john likes computers. show (him/ his) ( you/your) new computer . 5) children! where are ( you/your)/? i can’t see (you/ your) 6) john! can you help( us/ our), please? 7) sally has two pets. ( she/her) pets are at home now. 8) daddy! can ( i/ me) go to the cinema? please take (i/ me) to the cinema! запишите слова 3. /ˈbrekfəst//ˈkwɔːtə/ /ˈmɪnət//ˈsəkənd//ha: f//ˈ3ːlɪ//ˈθ3ːtɪ//wɒtʃ//ˈhʌndrəd//ˈ fɔːtɪ//ˈfɔːtɪ: n/ /ˈfæmɪlɪ/ /frend/ /wɒʃ/

Soofisi   ·   17.08.2019 18:20
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