Переведите "oh, my cream puffs! " said amelia bedelia. she went to the stove. "just right", she said. amelia bedelia took her cream puffs out of the stove. "there now", she said. "i'll just let them cool. then i will fill them with chocolate cream". mrs rogers came into the kitchen. "good morning, amelia bedelia", she said. "good morning", said amelia bedelia. "i will have some cereal with my coffee this morning", said mrs rogers. "all right", said amelia bedelia. mrs rogers went into the dining room. amelia bedelia got the cereal. she put som in a cup. and she poured some coffee into the cereal. she took it into the dining room. "amelia bedelia! " said mrs rogers. "what is that mess? " "it's your cereal with coffee", said amelia bedelia. "oh, you are impossible! " said mrs rogers. "you're fired! " "you mean you don't want me any more? " asked amelia bedelia. "that is just what i mean", said mrs rogers. "now go! " amelia bedelia got her bag. and she went away

анакe   ·   17.08.2019 04:10
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