Перевести диалог ! oleg: what do you want to be? what profession do you like most? nastya: i think all professions are good and important in life. the main thing is to be a real professional and a master of your profession . my intention is to be a highly-qualified designer and serve my people with my job. oleg: oh, that's interesting! what qualifications should you have to be a good designer? nastya: yoy know, all professions have many good sides. to be a good professional in each field - one should study well, be open to innovations, integrate into world education and acquire the appropriate knowledge and qualities. oleg: sure. but for this only knowledge is not sufficient. we all must gain theoretical, as well as practical knowledge and skills to be competent in life. in that case we can gain succes in any field.

YFHJKBK   ·   03.08.2019 07:20
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