1. complete the dialogues with what, when, where or how many and a past simple verb. example: you go/last night? where did you go last night? i went to sally’s birthday party. 1) ……you wear? i wore my blue dress. 2) …..you arrive? at about 8.30. 3) ……you eat? there wasn’t much food! i ate a lot of small cakes. 4) …..you eat? about twenty. they were delicious! 5) ……james arrive? he arrived at about 9.00. 6) ….you sit? we sat in the garden and talked. it was really nice! 7) …..you give sally for her birthday? i gave her a camera. she took some photographs. 8) …..she take? about thirty. she took five of james and me! 2. make questions from the underlined words. use which example: soft drink/you/prefer, pepsi or coca cola? which soft drink do you prefer, pepsi or coca cola? 1) dress/you/prefer, the yellow one or the blue one? 2) apple/you/want, the big one or the small one? 3) drink/you/prefer, tea or coffee? 4) bus/you/take to work, the number 24 or the number 40? 3. put the underlined words in the right order to make sentences. example: film/shall/see/we/which, ‘love story’ or ‘the train to istanbul’? which film shall we see, ‘love story’ or ‘the train to istanbul’? 1) flour/which/you/buy/did, the white or the brown? 2) restaurant/we/go to/shall/which, the rice garden or pizza now? 3) pencil/can/which/use/i, this one or that one? 4) room/paint/they/which/did, the bedroom or the kitchen? 5) which/we/road/take/shall, the left or the right? 4. make questions. use how and an adjective or adverb from the box. far(x2)_fast_long_often(x2)_old_tal l example: how often do they play golf? they play three times a week. 1) … is the river nile? about 3,000 kilometres. 2) … is mr thompson? he’s 1.72. 3) … do you see your brother? three or four times a week. 4) … is your nephew? he’s seven. 5) … does she drive? about 200 kilometres. 6) … is it from here to manchester? 7) … do you eat potatoes? every day. i love chips. 8) … is it from here to the post office? it’s not far. go to the traffic lights and turn right.

фиксоня   ·   24.07.2019 15:20
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