Проверьте текст по на наличие грамматических ошибок. vocal communication i want to tell you about global disaster of the modern world. firstly, war. because of the proliferation of nuclear weapons on the ground, which is able to destroy all life, the problem of war and peace have become global in nature. secondly, global warming as well as environmental pollution. every day, the planet's climate is changes more and more, fresh water reserves are depleted, the invorenment is polluted. all this is the work of people, and if we continue this, then the death of humanity within a few generations is inevitable. poverty, famine and homelessness are the causes of death for many years. to date, the number of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, reached 1 billion people, which creates a serious threat to international security. the last thing i would like to say this endangered species of animals and plants. their habitats are destroyed. this is due to global warming, logging, fired, mining. given this, it is necessary to draw conclusions about the global problem of extinction of organisms.

ник123456789013   ·   20.07.2019 20:10
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