Open the brackets and put the gerund either in the perfect or in the non-perfect form. translate the sentences into russian. 1. i feel proud of (to our university at the conference last year. 2. i have to apologize for (to say) that. i didn't realize it would hurt you. 3. he mentioned (to go) to italy next month. 4. he never mentioned (tо this place before 5. i feel tired of (to try) control everything. 6.thank you for (to another. i knew i wouldmanage. 7.martin insisted on (to do) himself. congratulations on (to ! when was the wedding? about not (to the meeting? i'm afraid we don't have time for that. 10.studying at university i came to appreciate (to at school.

Dantebayo   ·   20.07.2019 13:40
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