Переведите 2 ! ! не из интернета и и перевод"" text 1 hot desert climate deserts are usually very hot all year round with temperatures over 40°c. they get very little rain and have very long dry periods. at night temperatures drop to below freezing. only plants that hold in a lot of water can survive in hot desert climates. text 2 tundra climate cold weather and low temperatures characterize the tundra climate all year round. the winter season is long and hard. a short summer season exists. it lasts about 6 to 10 weeks and temperatures reach -1° c. the sun shines almost 24 hours a day during this season so people call the tundra “the land of the midnight sun”. during the long winter months it is dark most of the day and temperatures drop to -35° c . no plants can survive in the tundra.

dikray1   ·   19.07.2019 18:30
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