По , : с 1. заполните пропуски определенным артиклем и объясните его употребление. 1. glasgow is situated on river clyde. 2. nile flows across north-eastern part of africa to mediterranean sea. 3. mr. oliver was born on british isles but now lives on one of islands in pacific ocean. 4. is the longest river in world. 5. swiss alps is best place for mountain skiing. 6. sea and atlantic ocean surround british isles. 7. what do you know about sahara desert? 8. when titanic was crossing atlantic she struck an iceberg. highest buildings are in new-york. boy has just started going to school; eldest boy is at college. 11. in second course they study history of usa. day was like first. 13. february is shortest month of year. 14. new year begins on 1 st of january. 15. largest open space in west end of london is hyde park. 16. young feel more free than old. 17. prime minister is most important person in britain after queen. 18 22 nd of june is longest day of year. 19. the landlord found the servants among poor.

Ayka557   ·   14.07.2019 22:50
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