Выберите правильный вариант 1. jack play football since childhood. a) must b) should c) need d) can 2. i ask you? a) must b) should c) have d) may 3. steven read and write until he was seven years old. a) must b) can c) could not d) could 4. you’ve been reading all day. you be tired. a) can b) could c) must d) should 5. jack go to hospital yesterday. a) can b) had to c) need d) will 6. i recommend you to apologize. you apologize. a) would b) should c) must d) shall 7. i have one of these cakes? a) could b) must c) have to d) may 8. you speak any foreign languages? a) may b) can c) have d) might 9. his suggestion may be of little value, but you discuss it all the same. a) may b) need c) might d) should 10. i went to the doctor yesterday and i wait for an hour. a) had to b) must c) should d) can

123SvEtOcHkA321   ·   12.07.2019 17:00
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