Перевод stage 2. this is possibly the most important stage in sales. many people are nervous about buying because they think that sales consultants only want to get their money. from the very first moment with a new client you need to convince them that you are really interested in helping them find the right holiday. of course, sometimes people go into a travel agency just to browse through the brochures. in this case do not stand next to them and ask questions, let them know you are there, but leave them alone. give them time. stage 3. when a customer asks for help or information, we move on to the next stage - investigating the customer's needs. this is also an important part of the sales process; it is only when you have a clear idea about where a client wants to go, when they want to travel, who with, and so on, that you can select the best products for them. stage 4. when you have selected the most suitable products you need to present them in terms of: features - these are what a holiday has, such as the hotel facilities, transfers from the airport, excursions, etc. advantages - these are what make the holiday better than other similar holidays. the fact that the price of a holiday includes all the excursions or all your bar costs, for example, would be an advantage. benefits - why a particular feature is good for the customer you are talking to at that moment. at this point in the process many customers will want time to think. the best thing to do is to get their contact details and invite them to take the brochures home and browse through them. if you have done a good job of presenting the product. they will probably be back a few days later

32453   ·   11.07.2019 10:50
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