Задайте 5 вопросов к предложениям не изменяя времени . 1)my book is lying on the table 2)we are cooking dinner. my mother is making a salad 3)my grandfather reads book every evening 4)he is at home 5)it is very dark in the room 6)we have a large family 7)this is house 8)my cosin has big black cat 9)this is my pencil 10)she has two children 11)i am writing a composition now. 12)a child is drink milk now. 13)she goes for a walk after dinner. 14)they go to the theatre every sunday. 15)he is reading now. 16)we are playing now. 17)my mother works at a factory. 18)my aunt works in a shop. 19)my friend to lives in st. peterburg. 20)the children are sleeping now. 21)the children play in the yard every day. 22)they go to the stadium on monday. 23)she reads in the evening. 24)his father works at this factory. 25)you are playing chess now. 26)the sky is grey today. 27)the weather in fine. 28)the homework is difficult. 29)my mother is at work. she is doctor.

ГОЛУБОГЛАЗКА20013   ·   09.07.2019 14:40
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