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aprelkovamaria   ·   04.07.2019 20:50
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1. read and write as in the example. iryna is in london for two days. this is her plan of things to do. use the list and write as in the example. example: she has to by a toothpas...
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Give jack's answers to phil's questions. then role-play the dialogue.phil: what do you want to be? jack: : it s great. do you want to fly? jack: : are you brave? jack: : are you...
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The white house is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the united states. every year more than 1.5 million visitors go through five rooms that are open to the public. на...
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2. выбрать правильный вариант ответа: 1. a. do you play every week tennis? b. every week do you play tennis? c. do you every week play tennis? d. do you play tennis every week?...
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Прочитай выбери правельное слово. 1)my sister her homework in the afternoon/ a)makes b)has c)does 2)after breakfast mag the washing up. a)washes b)cleans c)does 3)do you your be...
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Закончить диалоги: complete the dialogues with must, can’t, or might. example: they must be out. nobody is answering the phone. 1 ‘you’re getting married? you be serious! ’ ‘yo...
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