Test 4. great britain: geographical location, the capital variant 1 al. what river does london stand on? 1) the severn 3) the thames 2) the trent 4) the potomac a2. how is the most important business part of london called? 1) the town 3) the country 2) the city 4) the capital a3. match the verbs on the left and the prepositions on the right. 1) to be known a. for 2) to be associated b. by 3) to be washed с of 4) to consist d. with a4. choose the appropriate variant. ireland "the emerald isle". 1) often is called 3) is called often 2) is often called 4) is said often called bl. underline the correct variant. the famous place where every person can speak on any theme is (hyde park / piccadilly circus). b2. write the articles where necessary. 1) united kingdom 2) albion 3) greater london 4) snowdonia cl. answer the question. when somebody says "london", what famous places first come to your mind?

Lagunahey   ·   27.06.2019 16:50
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