Нужно переделать предложения из косвенной в прямую (или наоборот) буду тому, кто плачу 69 1. the teacher said to nick,''why are you not wtiting? " 2. she asked him, "do you want tea or coffee for breakfast? " 3. he asked her, "what are you doing now? " 4. mother said to nina, "why are you crying? has anybodypunished you? " 5. the doctor said to the boy, "where did you catch cold? " 6. mother said, "why are you not sleeping, tanya? " 7. she asked jim, "have you a pen? " 8. he asked me, "where does your brother live? " 9.she asked me, "where did you buy this book? " 10. she saked me, "have you ever been to london? " 11. he asked the girl, "how old are you? " 12. nina said to ann, "can you do it for me? "

daniya7   ·   25.06.2019 03:30
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