Выбрать правильный вариант. 1.they usually eat bread. a)many; d)a; c)a lot of. 2.tom has got a)two brother's; d)two brothers; c)two brother. dog likes meat. a)the boys; d)the boys'; c)the boys's. 4.did you buy a)two; d)second c)the second 5.she the doll last month. a)bought d)buys c)washes 6.he the toy yesterday a)didn't d)doesn't c)wasn't ? a)she ate d)was she eat c)did she eat cup in this box last week. a)there is d)there was c)was there the bag. a)there is no apple d)there is apple c)no apple is

cjhjrf1212   ·   25.06.2019 00:50
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